The Fireball server is a Remote Games Server (RGS) for the online gambling industry. Its main goal is to make it easy for game studios to deploy and maintain their games across regulated markets with as little friction and frustration as possible. The Fireball platform, its tools and utilities has been designed to remove as much of the pain usually associated with operating gambling content within regulated gaming. Many of its core practices are heavily inspired by other well established platforms from other industries.
Its main mission is to become a marketplace, an App Store for iGaming, where upcoming and established studios meet operators in the highly regulated world of iGaming.
Fireball is not a mere aggregator, but a technology platform and fully fledged RGS that will require game studios to deploy and maintain their games according to the documentation. In other words, its an all or nothing solution.
The Fireball software architecture is heavily inspired and based on well established industry standards. Its core and tools are all cloud hosted within a world class performing cloud with multiple dedicated hosting centers connected by global fiber. Its core services are built using a serverless architechture and will automatically scale from nothing to infinite. It makes it extremely cost effective and powerfull at the same time.
Core components and modules from the inner core to its surrounding tools are mainly reactive and event driven. Services are neatly decoupled and communicate via messages on powerful pub/sub queues. The platform, however, also exposes a more traditional RestFUL api.
After signing up a new organization, or having been invited to one, the admin panel app is the most important tool for exploring the Fireball platform and its capabilities. Users accosiated with a games studio would want to proceed with looking over the main concepts of the platform before diving into documentation specifically describing how to deploy their first game and all the benifits from doing so using Fireball.
Users being part of an online casino operator would browse through the admin panel's games store, to active games they would like to operate, and they would make sure to use the correct integration or prepare a new integration, if such do not already exist, by reading the documentation for deploying new integrations.
Users associated with an aggregator would likely act very similiar to that of an operator as dscribed above. Fireball natively support that an aggragator can be billed on behalf of multiple operators, the aggregator would request an operator to initiate such connection.