Before you can contribute or get outcome from any jackpots, you need to:
After successful authorization, you can connect Player to receive jackpots updates on game client:
// setup constants for game
public static class MyGameConstants
public static string JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
public static float CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT = 0.5f;
public async Task<MessageResult> OnAuthSuccess(SessionMessage message)
// create list of jackpots template ids
var jackpots = new List<string>()
// connect jackpots list to game client for receiving jackpots updates
return await _fireball.SendSessionToClient(message, jackpots);
Every time Player place a bet, the game can contribute some part of the bet amount or full amount into the jackpot for later next try to win the jackpot:
public async Task<MessageResult> BetPlace(long betAmount, BaseMessage message)
// calculate jackpot contribution amount
var contributionAmount = (long)(betAmount * MyGameConstants.CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT);
// create jackpot contributions list
var contributionsList = new List<JackpotContribution>()
new JackpotContribution(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount),
// place bet with notifing what part of bet will go for jackpot contributions
return await _fireball.PlaceBet(FireballConstants.BetType.SPIN, betAmount, message, contributionsList);
public async Task<MessageResult> OnBetPlaced(IntegrationBetPlaced message)
// calculate jackpot contribution amount
var contributionAmount = (long)(message.Amount * MyGameConstants.CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT);
// make contribution into jackpot from succesfully placed bet
var result = await _fireball.Jackpots.Contribute(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount, message);
// do next game logic
if game want to get immediate outcome, use next method:
public async Task<MessageResult> OnBetPlaced(IntegrationBetPlaced message)
// calculate jackpot contribution amount
var contributionAmount = (long)(message.Amount * MyGameConstants.CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT);
// make contribution into jackpot from succesfully placed bet
var result = await _fireball.Jackpots.ContributeAndGetOutcome(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount, message);
if (result.Won)
// congratulation! jackpot has been won!
// do next game logic
After successful contributions, Player can try to win jackpot by use some part of contributions or full contributed amount:
public async Task<MessageResult> OnBetPlaced(IntegrationBetPlaced message)
// calculate jackpot contribution amount
var contributionAmount = (long)(message.Amount * MyGameConstants.CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT);
// make contribution into jackpot from succesfully placed bet
await _fireball.Jackpots.Contribute(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount, message);
// do next game logic
var result = await _fireball.Jackpots.GetOutcome(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount, message);
if (result.Won)
// congratulation! jackpot has been won!
After Player successfully won jackpot, this jackpot must be paid into Players balance:
public async Task<MessageResult> OnBetPlaced(IntegrationBetPlaced message)
// calculate jackpot contribution amount
var contributionAmount = (long)(message.Amount * MyGameConstants.CONTRIBUTION_PERCENT);
// make contribution into jackpot from succesfully placed bet
var result = await _fireball.Jackpots.ContributeAndGetOutcome(MyGameConstants.JACKPOT_TEMPLATE_ID, contributionAmount, message);
if (result.Won)
// create a list of won jackpots
var jackpotsWon = new List<JackpotEntry>()
new JackpotEntry(result)
// paying won jackpot amount
await _fireball.PayJackpot(jackpotsWon, message.OperatorBetId, message);
// do next game logic